Monday, July 5, 2010

Flora, China, Cookery, Femininity, Coming of Age.

Happenings that have culminated to this pinnacle of cluck.

1. Becoming engaged to Mister Nils Holger Bendix
2. Seeing Brookie and Georgia in Melbourne
3. Discovering
4. Drinking a lot of Dr Stewarts 'Tranquility' tea
5. Buying Daffodil bulbs
6. Working 9am to 6pm 5 days a week
7. Taking long drives on Sundays
8. Finally learning how to hard boil an egg
9. Eating shortbread for the first time in years
10. Cheese and pickle sandwiches
11. A vintage silk scarf with beautiful flowers and butterflies on it
12. A bearskin coat called Humphrey
13. Making Bread and Butter Pudding three times a week
14. Spring cleaning 2 months early
15. Pearls
16. A Billie Holiday playlist that goes for 14.3 hours

and probably hormones.

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